Sunday, May 6, 2007

Gym Etiquette...

According to 24 Hour Fitness, the following represents gym etiquette:
  • It is proper gym etiquette to being a towel with you to wipe down equipment and yourself.
  • You should only be on a piece of equipment during your set and allow other people to use the machine or weights while you rest.
  • After using a machine remove any weights you were using. Remove any equipment and put it back in its correct place.
  • While you are waiting for a certain piece of equipment it is appropriate to let the person finish their workout and ask them politely to save the machine for you.
  • While most athletic clubs have pools, steam rooms and showers it is proper etiquette to maintain cleanliness while other members may be trying to maneuver around you. Try to keep puddles of water to a minimum as this tends to leave the floor very slippery.
  • As we live in a technologically advanced society it is harder to maintain solitude and privacy. Some phone calls are important, but in general, the proper etiquette is to take your phone away from the workout area or take the call outside.

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